Food Education & Consulting

Museum, Press and Publications

MUDETAlba White Truffle Museum – opening October 2023
Curator of the rooms dedicated to white truffle and its best use in gastronomy. The three rooms aim to accompany the visitor in the discovery of the wonders of nature and man who, through the liberal and mechanical arts, has been able to give value to the products of the land, celebrating and honoring them, while not intervening in their transformation.

Crippa M., Ramploud M.,
FEEL GOOD Training gusto-olfattivo,
Manuale Tecnico, Neurochimica,
Milano, 2023

Crippa M.,
A Wine World Without Maps“A rooted history of grapes”,
Pollenzo, 2022

Crippa M.,
What’s Behind Your Daily Coffee Cup? Discover a Complete Journey Towards Speciality Coffee“The History of Coffee – From Its Discovery to the Arrival in Europe and the US in Three Waves”,
Pollenzo, 2021

Crippa M., Mozzato D., Gastaldello G., with the supervision of Rossetto Luca,
Education for Business: the case of Corporate Academy as strategic resource for developing the Italian Food Industry,
Padova, 2019

Crippa M., with the supervision of Corciolani Matteo,
Gin Gadir, strategie di marketing tribale per lo sviluppo identitario di un gin,
Pisa, 2016

Amedei F., Crippa M., Govoni L., Marino M., Mondin D., Sinigaglia A., with the supervision of Alberto Capatti, Massimo Montanari and Francoise Sabban,
EXPO 1851-2015. CULTURA DEL CIBO – Vol III – L’Italia del cibo“Studiare in cucina e cucinare a scuola – storia della formazione culinaria in Italia”,
UTET – Grandi Opere,
Torino, 2015

Crippa M., Fairs,
Exhibitions and EXPO towards Milano 2015, III International Professional Conference on “Trends and challenges in food technology, nutrition, hospitality and tourism”,
October 24 and 25 – 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia

BAR D’ITALIA 2015 – Emilia-Romagna,
Gambero Rosso Editore,
Roma, 2015

PASTICCERI & PASTICCERIE 2015 – Emilia-Romagna,
Gambero Rosso Editore,
Roma, 2015

BAR D’ITALIA 2014 – Emilia-Romagna,
Gambero Rosso Editore,
Roma, 2014

PASTICCERI & PASTICCERIE 2014 – Emilia-Romagna,
Gambero Rosso Editore,
Roma, 2014

Crippa M. with the supervision of the Rector Valter Cantino,
Il Mondo Piccolo di Massimo Spigaroli,
Pollenzo, 2012

Office address: 21, Via Vallazze – 20131, Milano
Home address: 44, Via Silvio Pellico – 20835, Muggiò (MB)
Fiscal address: 4, Via Benedetto Croce – 20835, Muggiò (MB)
Mobile: + 39 339 5797982
e-mail: michele.crippa@gastronomik.it
Social: @gastronomik.it