Food Education & Consulting

who I am


2018 – 2019
Università degli Studi di Padova
16, Viale dell’Università, 35020, Legnaro (PD) – 24/24
Anthropological, psycho-pedagogical disciplines
Didactic methods and technologies

2017 – 2019
Università degli Studi di Padova
Department of Food and Agriculture
16, Viale dell’Università, 35020, Legnaro (PD)
Master of Science – MS – LM70 “Italian Food and Wine” – 110/110

2015 – 2016
Università di Pisa
Department of Economics and Management
10, Via C. Ridolfi, 56124, Pisa
Graduate Degree – Master “Food Quality Management and Communication” – 60/60

SGS Italia SPA
21, Via Caldera, 20153, Milano
Certificate – Auditor / Lead Auditor Management Systems
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 / UNI EN ISO 19011:2012 / UNI EN ISO/IEC 17021:2011

EXPO Milano 2015
c/o ALMA – La Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana
26, Piazza Garibaldi, 43052, Reggia di Colorno, Colorno (PR)
Certificate – EXPO Milano 2015 Ambassador: Communicating and spreading the mission of EXPO Milano 2015

2008 – 2011
Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche
9, P.zza Vittorio Emanuele, 12060, Pollenzo – Bra (CN)
Bachelor – L26 Food Science and Technologies “Gastronomic Sciences” – 105/110

Sensory Analysis Training Courses<br>
Cured meats – San Daniele Prosciutto Consortium
Coffee – Lavazza
Pasta – della Pasta
Cheese – Parmigiano-Reggiano Consortium
Fruits and Vegetables – Logistic Import
Rice – Az. Ag. Acquerello
Olive oil – Olio f.lli Carli
Beer – Birrificio Baladin
Fish – Fishermen community of Torre Guaceto natural reserve – Brindisi
Wine I, II, III level – Banca del Vino
Whiskey – Jameson
Honey – Mieli Thun


UNISG Ambassador
Didactic and study programs Ambassador for the University of Gastronomic Sciences.

European Cultural Foundation, CRC Foundation, Slow Food International
Michele Crippa and his fight to reclaim flavors

Slow Food Heroes aims to encourage and celebrate the virtuous initiatives in the food world that are reacting to the Covid-19 emergency with ideas that may inspire others. These new or existing food-related initiatives across the World help strengthen the sense of solidarity in times of crisis and give hope for the future, inspiring new paths to fight the crisis and take action to build a more cohesive and community-oriented society.

EXPO MILANO 2015 Ambassador
Ambassador of EXPO Milano 2015 for communication activities in high schools aimed at promoting the principles and objectives of the Universal Exhibition of Milan. In collaboration with ALMA – The International School of Italian Cuisine.

Office address: 21, Via Vallazze – 20131, Milano
Home address: 44, Via Silvio Pellico – 20835, Muggiò (MB)
Fiscal address: 4, Via Benedetto Croce – 20835, Muggiò (MB)
Mobile: + 39 339 5797982
e-mail: michele.crippa@gastronomik.it
Social: @gastronomik.it